So I know news of this brand spankin' new BJD forum has been making its rounds on Tumblr, but I wanted to join in the fray with my own little announcement! I am merely a member of the forum, but I'm already so thrilled by the positivity this forum is offering those to the BJD community. So I'd like to share it with you all, and encourage you all to join the brand new Dollaholics!
This forum is all encompassing and boasts not only it's own friendly, interactive forum, but a marketplace and specific areas to write blog posts (including offside blogs like Tumblr and Blogger), share photos and videos, and various groups. This forum is dedicated to bringing back the community aspect of the hobby, holding everything in a centralized space.
Personally, I'm very excited to see how this forum will continue to grow and hope more collectors will join and spread the word.
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