Thursday, December 4, 2014

Meet Isaiah

Hello again lovely Lolita ladies and gents! Today I wanted to post about another hobby of mine that is also extremely near and dear to my heart, and (in my humble opinion) compliments Lolita wonderfully.


This is Isaiah! He is a Doll in Mind Bellose head hybrid on an Ariadolls 14 years boy body. He's 4 years old (holy schmoly, did I really get him back in 2010?), and just as beautiful as ever! I admit, he is by far the girliest boy in my collection, but I purposefully chose to use him as my BJD ambassador directly because of his adorable girlishness. 

I joined the BJD hobby over 7 years ago in June of 2007, which actually surpasses my dabbling in Lolita by about 6 months! I was rapidly lured in by their beauty after spotting them during an anime convention and absolutely could not get them out of my head. Once school had ended and I had some free time on my hands, I researched them like crazy! I was absolutely hooked and yearned for a few of my own to embody my most precious original characters.

Thanks to a conveniently timed birthday and graduation, I was able to save up for my first, a Dream of Doll Kirill fairly quickly! It was all downhill from there. As I was still an extremely wary newbie Lolita, I focused most of my attention on BJDs, and my collection grew fairly quickly, with three minis, six 60cms dolls and one floating head.

Over the years, as my love for Lolita grew, my darling BJDs have been pushed a bit back on my priority of hobbies. Unfortunately they seem to be sitting in the dust for far too long now, and I'm slowly easing myself back into them, hence this post! I still have plans for three more dolls, twin boys and a girl (my only girl!) as well as finally uniting my floating head with his body. 

By no means do I intend to rush into anything as the hobby still remains expensive and I certainly don't intend to leave Lolita behind. But I'm excited to play with my dolls again and introduce them to this blog. If you have dollies of your own, I'd love to see them!

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