Thursday, October 30, 2014

52 Challenge: Bloomers or no bloomers?

Ah, it's time for another 52 Lolita Challenge blog post! Today we're tackling the age old question:

Bloomers v. No Bloomers

Image from weheartit
 I'll be honest, after my 7+ years dabbling in the fashion, the answer to this question is a bit of a no-brainer.
Bloomers. Always wear bloomers. 

I readily admit, I didn't always used to think this way. In my early days in the fashion, I thought I could get by wearing running shorts beneath my skirts, and in the winter, fleece pajama shorts. Hey, why not? It's not like anyone could see them, and admittedly they still worked the way they were supposed to. But gosh was I uncomfortable!

Even with the length of my skirt, I was constantly paranoid the not-so dainty hem of my shorts could be seen, ruining the pretty, put-together image I had so carefully crafted. And when I did without any shorts at all? Oh boy, do those skirts move! I learned to walk with the grace of a penguin, my arms constantly against my side to ensure no surprise gusts of wind would rise up and display my unmentionables to the world.

I admit, bloomers are not expensive. But they're also not very exciting either. Why would I waste $25 on fancy underwear when I could save just $20 more and purchase a pretty new blouse instead? At least, that was my line of reasoning (and before anyone points out the obvious, I'm a mess with a needle and thread. I've learned through a lot of painful trial and error that sewing is not, nor will ever be, a past time for me). Oh how wrong I was.

My advice to all Lolitas out there. Spring for the bloomers. They need not be super fancy $100 bloomers spun from unicorn hair and angel feathers, but take a look around on Etsy, peruse Bodyline, or sew your own if you're so inclined, but please, at some point (preferably early on) take the time to purchase at least 1 pair of proper Lolita undies. Your tushie will thank you for it later.

Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Autumn buns

I admit, this has been an extremely slow month. Or rather I should say, it's been a very slow Lolita month, otherwise the rest of life has been zipping by like crazy. It seems like every time I blink another week has gone past and the end of the year is rapidly approaching, whether I'm ready for it or not.

Sadly, I simply have not had a lot of time to engage in many Lolita activities this October, nor do I have much of the energy for it. Aside from another Bodyline shoe order that should be coming in any day now (fingers crossed they fit this time), my thoughts have been geared elsewhere. My boyfriend and I even took a weekend trip to San Francisco a couple days ago, and not only did I NOT wear Lolita, but I think it was the first time in at least a couple years I have not bought a single thing from either the  AP or BtssB boutiques (though I admit I was heavily tempted by a pink headbow from AP that I'd spied earlier online, but sadly I had to bite the bullet and pass it up).

Still, despite my lack of focus right now, I think it's important to keep the cuteness and whimsy of Lolita alive, if only in my mind. So for now, until I manage to immerse myself again full swing into the lovely world of Lolita once more, have some adorable buns enjoying autumn.



Happy autumn everyone!!!
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